On 11/22/2016 06:13 AM, sudarshan kumar wrote:
Thanks a lot, yes it works. In fact I am working on time dependent
problem, and so in my method I need an adjacent interior value when I am at
the face. Thanks a lot.
But don't the FEValues objects you get for the face provide these values? I
mean, they evaluate the solution and shape functions on either side of the
face. In other words, while the quadrature points for these two objects have
the same physical locations, they evaluate the elements as the limits of
points coming from each of the cells, and consequently the values are
different even though the points are the same.
Or do you need to evaluate the solution at points inside the cells that are
not in fact on the interface?
Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.edu
www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/
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