Thanks for replying! 

Could you explain more?

I considered mapping degree only when I assemble system... for example. 

template <int dim>

void msurface<dim>::assemble_system ()


  const MappingQ<dim> mapping (degree);

  const QGauss<dim>  quadrature_formula(degree+2);

  FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, quadrature_formula,

                           update_values    |  update_gradients |

                           update_quadrature_points  |  update_JxW_values);


but can I also input a non-default Mapping degree when I use 
Vectortools::integrate_difference function?

I tried as ... but it seems that its not a proper way to use this 

template <int dim>

void msurface<dim>::evaluate_error()


    Vector<float> difference_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());


    const MappingQ<dim> mapping (degree);


    VectorTools::integrate_difference (degree, 


How can I use non-default Mapping in here? (I wonder specific lines of 

Thank for giving me a help!


Jaekwang Kim

2016년 11월 1일 화요일 오후 5시 19분 35초 UTC-5, Daniel Arndt 님의 말:
> Jaekwang, 
> [...]
>>     VectorTools::integrate_difference 
>> (dof_handler,solution,Solution<dim>(),
>>                                        difference_per_cell
>> *,QGauss<dim>(degree+**2**)*,VectorTools::L2_norm);
> somegthing that immediately comes to mind is that you don't use a 
> non-default Mapping in here although your boundary is curved.
> Make sure that you use an appropriate Mapping everywhere!
> Best,
> Daniel

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