Thanks for replying! 

Here I attached solution for p=2, and it seems that it has right share. 

When you said 'right quadrature' dose that mean....quadrature for 
integration when we assemble system? 

To attach some of my code. 

template <int dim>

void msurface<dim>::assemble_system ()


  const MappingQ<dim> mapping (degree);

  const QGauss<dim>  quadrature_formula(degree+2);

  FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, quadrature_formula,

                           update_values    |  update_gradients |

                           update_quadrature_points  |  update_JxW_values);


I am pretty sure that I am using right quadrature here.... 

but I am not sure whether I am using right quadrature when I compare my 
numerical solution to exact solution.. 

    VectorTools::integrate_difference (dof_handler,solution,Solution<dim>(),


Thanks again for fast reply!! 

2016년 11월 1일 화요일 오후 5시 4분 40초 UTC-5, Bruno Turcksin 님의 말:
> Jaekwang,
> On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 5:43:36 PM UTC-4, Jaekwang Kim wrote:
>> I think that I didn't make any mistake on my code lines because at least 
>> my numerical solution is converging for the case p=1. 
>> but I couldn't get such convergence for the case p=2, and 3. I have tried 
>> to change tolerance number in iterative scheme, but it didn't work. 
>> Are there other things that I failed to consider? 
>> Or did I make wrong way to test the code? 
> What you did looks good. You should check that you use the right 
> quadrature everywhere. If somewhere in your code you use a low order 
> quadrature, it will work for p=1 but you will have a larger error when you 
> increase the quadrature. You should also look at the solution for p=2 and 
> p=3. This might help you understand what is going on.
> Best,
> Bruno

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