Hi Jean-Paul,


I wanted to verify that the issue that I encountered is not related to the 
fact that I am using a version of dealii which is not the most updated one, 
so I installed the current version of dealii from git. I run two versions 
of my code with ‘apply_all_indicators_to_manifolds’ either false or true - 
see the attached code. In either case I got similar, although not exactly 
the same output. The value of the boundary indicator that is noted 
regarding the problematic quad is 1 or 0 respectively.


For ‘apply_all_indicators_to_manifolds’ = false:


Reading block 1 file:

block 1 file was read successfully

Reading block 2 file:

block 2 file was read successfully

Reading block 1 and 2 file:

Exception on processing internal UCD data: 



An error occurred in line <3008> of file 
in function

    static void 
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &, const std::vector<CellData<3> > &, const 
dealii::SubCellData &, Triangulation<3, spacedim> &) [spacedim = 3]

The violated condition was: 


Additional information: 

    The input data for creating a triangulation contained information about 
a quad with indices 1289, 1398, 1288, and 1397 that is described to have 
boundary indicator 1. However, this is an internal quad not located on the 
boundary. You cannot assign a boundary indicator to it.


If this happened at a place where you call 
Triangulation::create_triangulation() yourself, you need to check the 
SubCellData object you pass to this function.


If this happened in a place where you are reading a mesh from a file, then 
you need to investigate why such a quad ended up in the input file. A 
typical case is a geometry that consisted of multiple parts and for which 
the mesh generator program assumes that the interface between two parts is 
a boundary when that isn't supposed to be the case, or where the mesh 
generator simply assigns 'geometry indicators' to quads at the surface of a 
part that are not supposed to be interpreted as 'boundary indicators'.






Exception on processing: 



An error occurred in line <899> of file 
in function

    void dealii::GridIn<3, 3>::read_abaqus(std::istream &, const bool) [dim 
= 3, spacedim = 3]

The violated condition was: 


Additional information: 

    Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was unsuccessful. 
More information is provided in an error message printed above. Are you 
sure that your ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the requirements listed in 
the documentation?







For ‘apply_all_indicators_to_manifolds’ = true:


Reading block 1 file:

block 1 file was read successfully

Reading block 2 file:

block 2 file was read successfully

Reading block 1 and 2 file:

Exception on processing internal UCD data: 



An error occurred in line <3008> of file 
in function

    static void 
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &, const std::vector<CellData<3> > &, const 
dealii::SubCellData &, Triangulation<3, spacedim> &) [spacedim = 3]

The violated condition was: 


Additional information: 

    The input data for creating a triangulation contained information about 
a quad with indices 1289, 1398, 1288, and 1397 that is described to have 
boundary indicator 0. However, this is an internal quad not located on the 
boundary. You cannot assign a boundary indicator to it.


If this happened at a place where you call 
Triangulation::create_triangulation() yourself, you need to check the 
SubCellData object you pass to this function.


If this happened in a place where you are reading a mesh from a file, then 
you need to investigate why such a quad ended up in the input file. A 
typical case is a geometry that consisted of multiple parts and for which 
the mesh generator program assumes that the interface between two parts is 
a boundary when that isn't supposed to be the case, or where the mesh 
generator simply assigns 'geometry indicators' to quads at the surface of a 
part that are not supposed to be interpreted as 'boundary indicators'.






Exception on processing: 



An error occurred in line <899> of file 
in function

    void dealii::GridIn<3, 3>::read_abaqus(std::istream &, const bool) [dim 
= 3, spacedim = 3]

The violated condition was: 


Additional information: 

    Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was unsuccessful. 
More information is provided in an error message printed above. Are you 
sure that your ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the requirements listed in 
the documentation?








On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 1:20:55 PM UTC-4, Jean-Paul Pelteret wrote:
> Hi Oded,
> I wasn't able to read in the .cub file (clearly its not backwards 
> compatible). I did manage to import the .inp file and nothing looks amiss. 
> Could you try to set the apply_all_indicators_to_manifolds 
> <https://www.dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/classGridIn.html#a51f7977b217e305d3538574cbd3d3a01>
>  flag 
> to true? Its possible that one of the boundary id's is being set to an 
> internal face. I've had this bug crop up on occasion for unstructured 
> meshes, but never for structured ones. If this fixes the problem then 
> you'll have to recreate all of the boundary ID's yourself for the time 
> being until the bug is fixed.
> Regards,
> J-P
> On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 6:27:07 PM UTC+2, Oded Yaakobi wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Paul,
>> I changed one of the options in the Cubit 15.2 GUI, and now 
>> 'gen_input_file' does not appear in the journal file. Reading in my code 
>> the resulting abaqus files behaves as before, i.e. this is the output:
>> Reading block 1 file:
>> block 1 file was read successfully
>> Reading block 2 file:
>> block 2 file was read successfully
>> Reading block 1 and 2 file:
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Exception on processing: 
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> An error occurred in line <864> of file 
>> </Users/yaakobioy/dealii/dealii_git_04022016/source/grid/grid_in.cc> in 
>> function
>>     void dealii::GridIn<3, 3>::read_abaqus(std::istream &) [dim = 3, 
>> spacedim = 3]
>> The violated condition was: 
>>     false
>> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>>     ExcMessage("Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
>> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
>> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the 
>> requirements                                    listed in the 
>> documentation?")
>> Additional Information: 
>> Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
>> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
>> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the 
>> requirements                                    listed in the documentation?
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Aborting!
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> For your convenience, I attach here all the files. I hope that you would 
>> be able to run the new journal file on your version of Cubit.
>> Thank you,                         
>> Oded
>> On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 11:09:01 AM UTC-4, Oded Yaakobi wrote:
>>> Hi Jean-Paul,
>>> Attached is the CUB file of the two-block mesh that I created.
>>> I created the mesh using only Cubit 15.2 GUI. In saving the abaqus file, 
>>> I followed the instruction of GridIn::read_abaqus. The journal file that I 
>>> attached before reflects the commands that I executed through the GUI. 
>>> Probably 'gen_input_file' is not defined in the old version of Cubit that 
>>> you have. 
>>> According to Cubit 15.2 documentation, 'gen_input_file' is an input file 
>>> with the given file name that will be generated when the Sculpt Parallel 
>>> command will be executed. This is a text file containing all sculpt options 
>>> used in the command. The input file is intended to be used for batch 
>>> execution of sculpt. Therefore, in my case, in which I used the GUI, 
>>> 'gen_input_file' is actually an output file and not an input file.
>>> Best,
>>> Oded
>>> On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 3:40:32 AM UTC-4, Jean-Paul Pelteret 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Oded,
>>>> Two things:
>>>> 1. The documentation originally stated that "Files generated using 
>>>> Cubit 11.x, 12.x and 13.x are valid", but I see that its now been updated 
>>>> to include 14.x and 15.x. I personally don't know whether this works with 
>>>> newer versions of Cubit, but hopefully it has indeed been tested.
>>>> 2. You've not provided all of the data necessary to recreate your 
>>>> geometry:
>>>>  CUBIT> create sphere radius 1
>>>>> Successfully created sphere volume 1 
>>>>> Journaled Command: create sphere radius 1
>>>>> CUBIT> sculpt parallel volume all processors 8 fileroot 
>>>>> "sculpt_parallel" gen_input_file "sculpt_parallel.i" overwrite xintervals 
>>>>> 8 
>>>>> yintervals 8 zintervals 8 box location position -3 -3 -3 location 
>>>>> position 
>>>>> 3 3 3 smooth 8 num_laplace 2 max_opt_iters 5 opt_threshold 0.6 
>>>>> max_pcol_iters 100 pcol_threshold 0.2 sideset 2 void adapt_type 1 
>>>>> adapt_levels 2 combine import show clean
>>>>> ERROR: Unrecognized Identifier: 'gen_input_file'
>>>> Can you please provide all whatever files are necessary to recreate the 
>>>> geometry? Either that or provide the actual Cubit file itself. Hopefully I 
>>>> can open it in my older version of Cubit.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> J-P
>>>> On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 10:09:47 PM UTC+2, Oded Yaakobi wrote:
>>>>> Hello group,
>>>>> I am interested to test a code that I am developing by solving with it 
>>>>> the specific problem of Stokes flow in and around a fluid sphere.   
>>>>> I used Cubit 15.2 to create a mesh of a sphere in a box, as shown in 
>>>>> the attached picture, and exported it to an abaqus file. The resulting 
>>>>> mesh 
>>>>> is composed of two blocks - block 1 for the domain inside the sphere and 
>>>>> block 2 for the domain outside the sphere. As a first step, I didn’t 
>>>>> define 
>>>>> different material id’s to each one of the blocks.
>>>>> When I tried to read the file using GridIn::read_abaqus, I received 
>>>>> the following Error message:
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Exception on processing: 
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> An error occurred in line <864> of file 
>>>>> </Users/yaakobioy/dealii/dealii_git_04022016/source/grid/grid_in.cc> in 
>>>>> function
>>>>>     void dealii::GridIn<3, 3>::read_abaqus(std::istream &) [dim = 3, 
>>>>> spacedim = 3]
>>>>> The violated condition was: 
>>>>>     false
>>>>> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>>>>>     ExcMessage("Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
>>>>> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
>>>>> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the 
>>>>> requirements                                    listed in the 
>>>>> documentation?")
>>>>> Additional Information: 
>>>>> Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
>>>>> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
>>>>> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the requirements                    
>>>>>                 listed in the documentation?
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Aborting!
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>> When I tried to save only one of the blocks (either block 1 or block 
>>>>> 2) in separate files, there was no problem in reading the corresponding 
>>>>> abaqus files.
>>>>> Have I done something wrong in the way I created the multi-block mesh, 
>>>>> or is there a bug with GridIn::read_abaqus?
>>>>> Attached are the abaqus files, the Cubit journal file and my code that 
>>>>> fails to read the multi-block mesh file.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Oded 

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#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_in.h>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

int main ()

	  using namespace dealii;

	  Triangulation<3>   	triangulation_block_1;
	  Triangulation<3>   	triangulation_block_2;
	  Triangulation<3>   	triangulation_block_1_and_2;

  	  GridIn<3> grid_in_block_1;
  	  GridIn<3> grid_in_block_2;
  	  GridIn<3> grid_in_block_1_and_2;

  	  grid_in_block_1.attach_triangulation (triangulation_block_1);
  	  grid_in_block_2.attach_triangulation (triangulation_block_2);
  	  grid_in_block_1_and_2.attach_triangulation (triangulation_block_1_and_2);

  	  std::cout << "Reading block 1 file:" << std::endl;
  	  std::ifstream input_file_block_1("Sphere_in_Box_Block_1.inp");
//  	  grid_in_block_1.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1);
  	  grid_in_block_1.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1, false);
//  	  grid_in_block_1.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1, true);
  	  std::cout << "block 1 file was read successfully" << std::endl;

  	  std::cout << "Reading block 2 file:" << std::endl;
  	  std::ifstream input_file_block_2("Sphere_in_Box_Block_2.inp");
//  	  grid_in_block_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_2);
  	  grid_in_block_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_2, false);
//  	  grid_in_block_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_2, true);
  	  std::cout << "block 2 file was read successfully" << std::endl;

  	  std::cout << "Reading block 1 and 2 file:" << std::endl;
  	  std::ifstream input_file_block_1_and_2("Sphere_in_Box_Block_1_and_2.inp");
//  	  grid_in_block_1_and_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1_and_2);
  	  grid_in_block_1_and_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1_and_2, false);
//  	  grid_in_block_1_and_2.read_abaqus (input_file_block_1_and_2, true);
  	  std::cout << "block 1 and block 2 file was read successfully" << std::endl;

  catch (std::exception &exc)
      std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
                << exc.what() << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;

      return 1;
  catch (...)
      std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
                << "Aborting!" << std::endl
                << "----------------------------------------------------"
                << std::endl;
      return 1;

  return 0;

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