Hi Oded,

Two things:
1. The documentation originally stated that "Files generated using Cubit 
11.x, 12.x and 13.x are valid", but I see that its now been updated to 
include 14.x and 15.x. I personally don't know whether this works with 
newer versions of Cubit, but hopefully it has indeed been tested.
2. You've not provided all of the data necessary to recreate your geometry:

 CUBIT> create sphere radius 1
> Successfully created sphere volume 1 
> Journaled Command: create sphere radius 1
> CUBIT> sculpt parallel volume all processors 8 fileroot "sculpt_parallel" 
> gen_input_file "sculpt_parallel.i" overwrite xintervals 8 yintervals 8 
> zintervals 8 box location position -3 -3 -3 location position 3 3 3 smooth 
> 8 num_laplace 2 max_opt_iters 5 opt_threshold 0.6 max_pcol_iters 100 
> pcol_threshold 0.2 sideset 2 void adapt_type 1 adapt_levels 2 combine 
> import show clean
> ERROR: Unrecognized Identifier: 'gen_input_file'

Can you please provide all whatever files are necessary to recreate the 
geometry? Either that or provide the actual Cubit file itself. Hopefully I 
can open it in my older version of Cubit.


On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 10:09:47 PM UTC+2, Oded Yaakobi wrote:
> Hello group,
> I am interested to test a code that I am developing by solving with it the 
> specific problem of Stokes flow in and around a fluid sphere.   
> I used Cubit 15.2 to create a mesh of a sphere in a box, as shown in the 
> attached picture, and exported it to an abaqus file. The resulting mesh is 
> composed of two blocks - block 1 for the domain inside the sphere and block 
> 2 for the domain outside the sphere. As a first step, I didn’t define 
> different material id’s to each one of the blocks.
> When I tried to read the file using GridIn::read_abaqus, I received the 
> following Error message:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Exception on processing: 
> --------------------------------------------------------
> An error occurred in line <864> of file 
> </Users/yaakobioy/dealii/dealii_git_04022016/source/grid/grid_in.cc> in 
> function
>     void dealii::GridIn<3, 3>::read_abaqus(std::istream &) [dim = 3, 
> spacedim = 3]
> The violated condition was: 
>     false
> The name and call sequence of the exception was:
>     ExcMessage("Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the 
> requirements                                    listed in the 
> documentation?")
> Additional Information: 
> Internal conversion from ABAQUS file to UCD format was 
> unsuccessful.                                    Are you sure that your 
> ABAQUS mesh file conforms with the requirements                    
>                 listed in the documentation?
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Aborting!
> ----------------------------------------------------
> When I tried to save only one of the blocks (either block 1 or block 2) in 
> separate files, there was no problem in reading the corresponding abaqus 
> files.
> Have I done something wrong in the way I created the multi-block mesh, or 
> is there a bug with GridIn::read_abaqus?
> Attached are the abaqus files, the Cubit journal file and my code that 
> fails to read the multi-block mesh file.
> Thank you,
> Oded 

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