Dear Wolfgang,

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 9:48:55 PM UTC-5, Wolfgang Bangerth wrote:
> What is the norm of the first right hand side? You now set the tolerance 
> in 
the first iteration to a fixed value of 1e-16, but how does this compare to 
> the previous value of 1e-12*system_rhs.l2_norm()? 

The system_rhs.l2_norm() before the first call to CGSolverat in the zero 
time step was 1.82492e-09, so that the 1e-12*system_rhs.l2_norm() became in 
the order of 1e-21 by which CGSOlver didn't converge.

> That still seems wrong to me. As I mentioned in a previous email, you 
> ought to 
> make sure that the matrix you build is the matrix you *want* to build. 
I was wondering how to make sure the matrix I built is what I meant. 
In addition, Bruno already mentioned sometimes PreconditionerAMG has 
problem with non-positive definite System_matrices. 


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