
I was trying to set the boost directory because it failed while 
configuring. What I had to do to get it running on windows, was to set the 
environmental variable BOOST_DIR with four backslashes. That way I had no 
parse errors, because of the set command in cmake (see here 

set BOOST_DIR=C:\\\\Path to\\\\my\\\\boost
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\installed  ..\dealii-8.4.1

Am Dienstag, 15. April 2014 08:27:44 UTC+2 schrieb Martin Steigemann:

> Hi Bruno,
> I had the same problem on linux when changing to boost 1.55, have you set 
> DEAL_II_FORCE_BUNDLED_BOOST=OFF, then it should work with setting 
> BOOST_DIR=/your/boost/toplevel.
> As far as I know, cmake figures out the paths to include dir and the libs 
> needed and stores the paths in the Boost_xxx variables, but I never had to 
> change something there.
> Maybe this helps,
> Best,
> Martin
> Bruno Turcksin <bruno.t...@gmail.com <javascript:>> schrieb am 4:21 
> Dienstag, 15.April 2014:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to install deal.II on Windows and I want to use a newer version 
> of Boost. However, I'm confused about which options I should give to CMake. 
> I see that there is:
> BOOST_DIR, Boost_DIR, Boost_INCLUDE_DIR and a bunch of others 
> Boost_XXX_LIBRARY_DEBUG/Boost_XXX_LIBRARY_RELEASE. I tried to play with 
> BOOST_DIR, Boost_DIR, and Boost_INCLUDE_DIR but  CMake cannot find Boost 
> and default on the bundled version. What are the difference between these 
> three directories ?
> Thanks
> Bruno
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