Dear all

While a solving a conservation law with DG, I find that total mass is not
conserved. To get total mass conservation, we need

sum_(i=0,1,...ndofs-1) grad(phi_i(xq, yq, zq)) = 0

where phi_i are shape functions and

ndofs = fe.dofs_per_cell

and above equation must hold at every quadrature point (xq,yq,zq).

I have checked in my application that above sum is O(1e-14). While this is
small, it seems to lead to slow mass loss as it gets multiplied by a large

This can be easily fixed by taking

grad(phi_0(xq, yq, zq)) = - sum_(i=1,...ndofs-1) grad(phi_i(xq, yq, zq))

I want to test if this really solves my conservation problem.

Can you help me by pointing out in which function I have to put this fix ?
Somewhere in FEValues class ?


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