Dear all,

I am trying to run deal.ii with METIS on cluster such as step-17 and 
step-18. There are some technical errors occurs, and it always shows 

***Memory allocation failed for SetupCtrl: maxvwgt. Requested size: 
18446744073709551608 bytes
   Current memory used:         384 bytes  
   Maximum memory used:         384 bytes
For more detail, please refer to my previous question,!topic/dealii/116cFgS6EiE

It is said that there is a bottleneck for METIS, and it is better to use 
p4est. However, p4est does not support 1D problem, which is what I am 
working on. Therefore, I have to work out with METIS. I am wondering where 
is my problem when running step-17 or 18 on cluster. The softwares are 
supposed to be installed correctly. Here I attach my pbs file, and I hope 
anyone could help me check it. Or anyone can share the pbs file to run 
step-17 with multiple nodes? 

Thank you very much!



#PBS -q MyName

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4

#PBS -l pmem=15000MB

#PBS -l walltime=20:00:00:00

module load cmake-2.8

module load dealii-8.3.0


NO_OF_NODES=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | egrep -v '^#'\|'^$' | wc -l | awk '{print 


time cmake . < CMakeLists.txt >LOG

time make 

time mpirun step-17




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