Dear Martin, dear Bruno,

I'm sorry for giving a feedback to your answers that late, but I have been 
really busy with another project and had no time to deal with this problem.

@Martin: After applying the patch I get the same run time results as you 
did. So thank you for figuring out and fixing the problem.

@ Bruno: Of course you are right. The correct name of the functions is 
indeed "make_biorthogonal_sparsity_pattern" and not 
"make_offdiagonal_sparsity_pattern". Sorry for confusing you, but I talked 
to so many people about this problem and it always arised when filling the 
offdiagonal blocks of my block matrix that I just mixed up the terms. 
Concerning your first hint, I'm not quite sure if I understand it 
correctly. I'm using the function "add_entries" only in combination with 
the DynamicSparsityPattern and not with the SparsityPattern class. 
Moreover, it seems that the DynamicSparsityPattern class doesn't even have 
a "copy_form" function. So I do not really get the point.


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