Thanks for the response. I have a more-or-less working version where the whole thing is solved together by Newton's method, but I bet solving electric field separately gives a good performance boost. I will try to fiddle with it, however, generating multiple meshes with matching boundary for testing is not very trivial (GMSH doesn't let you do this, as far as I know), I have to investigate if I can mark the elements in gmsh and then separate the meshes in deal ii.
On Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 5:55:32 PM UTC+3, Michael Harmon wrote: > > Hey, > > I had a similar problem: PDES in separate domains that are coupled through > an interface as a boundary condition. You can go about it using one > triangulation; I attempted to do this at first, but ended up using multiple > meshes. The fact you have matching meshes on the boundary is good. What > you want to do is create two meshes and two dof handlers. Initially you > need to create a std::map to create a bijection between the faces on the > different meshes that are on the interface/ connecting boundary. When you > are assembling the coupling terms on the boundary condition you can get the > corresponding face in the other mesh and initialize the fe_values on that > face and get its values on the face to assemble the boundary conditions. > > Check out: > >!searchin/dealii/multiple$20triangulations%7Csort:relevance/dealii/R64BUBhyFf0/LbbxH9v8GgAJ > > If it helps I can also send you my code to see how to do this using deal.ii > > Best, > > Mike > > On Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 2:17:12 PM UTC-4, krei wrote: >> >> >> The problem I am currently having is directly related to my previous post >> [here]( >>!searchin/dealii/krei/dealii/eq_zP0jrSJU/SyQXA7A-DAAJ >> ). >> >> The physics are exactly the same as described in that thread: I have a >> two domain system: vacuum and metal, both domains have their own meshes. >> [Here is a picture]( The meshes are >> exactly matching on the boundary. I want to solve the Laplace equation for >> electric fields in the vacuum part (does not depend on anything in the >> metal part) and then use the electric field as a boundary condition to the >> metal part. >> >> I am currently using VectorTools::point_gradient to evaluate the >> electric field from the Laplace problem in the quadrature points of the >> boundary cell faces of the metal mesh. As a result, it takes over an hour >> to assemble the system (solving takes less than a second). >> >> Now, considering that the mesh is exactly matching at the boundary (all >> the quadrature points etc), how could I efficiently evaluate the electric >> field at the boundary? >> >> And I apologize if I'm mistaken, but there doesn't seem to be any >> tutorials on these kinds of problems where you have multiple domains with >> multiple meshes. Or is it usually done by using a single mesh and somehow >> defining different domains in that mesh? (haven't delved deeply into >> Step-46, but there they do something like this, right?) >> > -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "deal.II User Group" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit