Dave Korn <dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com> writes:

> Haojun Bao wrote:
>> My question is, is there anyway out of this? Can I just rebase
>> cygwin1.dll to the end of all other DLLs? 
>   It ought to work.  Would you mind giving it a try and letting us know if it
> helps?  It might be a good idea to tweak rebaseall to do this for us.
Yes, it helped, the max start-process number is improved from ~30 to
~37. I think it's hit another issue.

Here's the details: 

I can't run rebase.exe on cygwin1.dll directly, since the latter is
loaded by the former. I wrote a .bat file to rebase it:

    cd c:\cygwin\bin
    copy cygwin1.dll 2.dll
    rebase -b 0x45000000 2.dll
    copy 2.dll cygwin1.dll

I did not try to rebase cygwin1.dll to the end of all other DLLs though,
I don't know if that is feasible. Instead, I just make it a lot more far
away from the DLL that's next to it in the address space.

(The old base for cygwin1 is 0x61000000, and next is cygncurses-9.dll
based at 0x61650000, the max cygheap is ~6.6M; new cygwin1 base is
0x45000000, and the next DLL is cygz.dll, with a base 0x54950000, with a
max cygheap ~256M).

After this, the emacs can start more processes, but still not unlimited,
neither will it segfault; it just exits will code 255 after printing
"Wrong type argument: stringp, 0". This must be another issue now, I
will debug it when I have more time.

    $/bin/emacs  --batch -q  --execute '(let ((num 0))
     (while (< num 80)
            (setq num (+ num 1))
            (message "num is %d" num)
            (start-process "hello" nil "/usr/bin/echo")))'
    ---------------- output ----------------
    num is 37
    Wrong type argument: stringp, 0

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