Ken Brown <> writes:

> On 7/21/2009 10:22 PM, Haojun Bao wrote:
>> Here's how to reproduce it:
>> 1. install w3m-el
>> 2. start Xwin, and then start emacs with:
>>    emacs.exe -q -l ~/1.el
> Cygwin's emacs-*-23.0.92-10 packages don't provide emacs.exe.  So you
> must be using the version you compiled yourself, unless you somehow
> have an emacs.exe left over from a previous cygwin version of emacs.
> (I mention this in case someone wants to try to reproduce your
> problem, in which case your instructions would fail.)

Yes, you are right, I'm using my self compiled version. The official
version has same issue though.

>> 3. Press M-x w3m in emacs to start w3m
>> 4. Press g in *w3m* buffer, type (I use this URL
>> because it contains many images. A site with few images will not
>> reproduce this).
>> 5. Press T in the *w3m* buffer to toggle inline images, then Emacs will
>> segfault. And sometimes it may complain "doing vfork resource
>> temporarily unavailable" instead of segfault.
> I think fork failures are sometimes fixed by rebasing and sometimes
> result from  Have you looked into
> either of those possibilities?  Beyond that, I have no ideas, but
> maybe the experts can see something useful in your gdb output.

Yes, I have done a rebase, and disabled Avira AntiVir Free Edition
(which is not on the BLODA, but anyway), and the problem remains. I
don't have any software in TBLODA installed. 

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