Peter Rosin wrote:
> ltwrappers are just replacing the old wrappers AFAIK, and those are
> indeed needed by the MSVC patches, so that premise has already changed.
> If you can't be bothered to cooperate with those patches then I can
> switch to arguing that cccl (wrapper for MSVC) is supported by libtool.
> When you use cccl with a contemporary MSVC, MSVC will create the
> manifest for you. You should not overwrite the manifest generated
> by MSVC in that case.
> So again, please special case this to only be active for gcc (and
> whatever else needs it).
Peter: I don't know why you're arguing with Yaakov; you really should be
talking to me.  I've already said I want to take this to the libtool
list and discuss it there, and you can be sure it won't go into
*libtool-master* until everybody is happy. I just wanted to make sure
the patch worked and didn't break any of the tests (Bzzt.  bad
formatting failed sh.test) before I posted it, on Yaakov's behalf, for
discussion on libtool-patches.

Now, today's cygwin-only libtool release did include Yaakov's patch, but
only for this reason: we're coming up on the cygwin-1.7 release and I
know that Yaakov has about 1500 packages to rebuild in the very near
future.  Anything to make that easier...  Plus, because I've decided to
start pushing again -- hard -- to get my existing patches into
libtool-master, I *know* I'll be rolling a new libtool release fairly
soon.  So, today's -4/-13 packages will have a pretty short shelf life.
If they cause a problem for you, don't use them... -3/-12 aren't going
anywhere, and you'll probably like -5/-14 better.

As an aside, it's a little ridiculous to badger Yaakov, or anybody else,
about cooperating with out-of-tree patches.  Now, it's not your fault
that they are still out of tree. Frankly, I have no idea why they
weren't merged months ago (same as certain OTHER patches I could
mention). But until they are merged, and MSVC is fully supported...well,
you know the score.


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