On Jun  3 19:25, Yaakov S wrote:
> Some additional googling revealed that you also mentioned that the  
> manifests need to be executable[2].
> The attached patch is what I have in mind.  It won't apply to SVN trunk  
> yet due to other uncommitted patches in the queue, but I need to fix  
> that soon to get a long-overdue release out the door.  Anything else  
> that I may not be aware of before I commit this?

At a first glance that looks good.  I'm not aware of anything else
besides of the executable bit.

Btw., in the long run it would be cool if gcc would be able to generate
executables with inline manifests using just a command line option.
First of all, we would get rid of the extra manifest files, and second,
copying such an executable to another dir wouldn't show surprising
results.  And, no, I have no idea how to generate inline manifests :}


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