$cygcheck -c libGL1 libGL-devel
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
libGL-devel          7.2-2          OK
libGL1               7.2-2          OK

I'll try to make a small lib that cause the error... but I think that
anything that do opengl shall fail

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Dave Korn
<dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> jean-luc malet wrote:
>> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Dave Korn
>>> jean-luc malet wrote:
>>>> this dll use 2 others dll : -lglut -lGL
>>>> $pkg-config.exe --libs gl
>>>> -lGL
>>>> but /bin/ contain cygGL-1.dll
>>>> when static linking with -lGL this works fine because libGL.a exist
>>>> when creating the dll -lGL don't work at all, I have to specify -lGL-1
>>>> doing
>>>> /bin/$ ln -s cygGL-1.dll cygGL.dll
>>>> solve the issue
>>>  Normally for every /bin/cygDLLNAME-VERSION.dll, there should be a
>>> /usr/lib/libDLLNAME.dll.a that contains import stubs, allowing you to link
>>> against whatever DLL is current without needing to specify the version 
>>> number
>>> as you have done.
>> I have the dev packages installed and the libGL.dll.a are present
>> $ls /lib/libGL*
>> /lib/libGL.dll.a  /lib/libGLU.dll.a
>> however, without -lGL-1 it's impossible to link a dll (report missing 
>> symbols)
>> thanks and regards
>  That is strange and unexpected and could indicate a bug, perhaps in the
> building of the import libraries.  Can you show us a very simple testcase,
> e.g. a trivial C program with just a "main" function that calls a few of these
> functions that cause missing references?  (Also, double-check that you have
> the exact corresponding version of the lib package and the -devel package by
> running "cygcheck -c libGL1 libGL-devel", just in case).
>    cheers,
>      DaveK
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