On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Dave Korn
<dave.korn.cyg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> jean-luc malet wrote:
>> hi!
>> I'm creating a dll using gcc and cygwin
>> this dll use 2 others dll : -lglut -lGL
>> $pkg-config.exe --libs gl
>> -lGL
>> but /bin/ contain cygGL-1.dll
>> when static linking with -lGL this works fine because libGL.a exist
>> when creating the dll -lGL don't work at all, I have to specify -lGL-1
>> doing
>> /bin/$ ln -s cygGL-1.dll cygGL.dll
>> solve the issue
>> I have similar issue with some libtool based library
>  Normally for every /bin/cygDLLNAME-VERSION.dll, there should be a
> /usr/lib/libDLLNAME.dll.a that contains import stubs, allowing you to link
> against whatever DLL is current without needing to specify the version number
> as you have done.  Generally these import libraries live in the corresponding
> -devel package for whichever package you got the DLL from, and GL is no
> exception; using the package search page
>    http://cygwin.com/packages/
> to search for "libGL.dll.a" suggests that you need to install the
> "libGL-devel" package, to go alongside your already-installed "libGL1" package
> where the DLL came from.
>    cheers,
>      DaveK

Hi, thanks for your reply
I have the dev packages installed and the libGL.dll.a are present
$ls /lib/libGL*
/lib/libGL.dll.a  /lib/libGLU.dll.a

however, without -lGL-1 it's impossible to link a dll (report missing symbols)
thanks and regards

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