On May  9 23:12, Lenik wrote:
> This is a new test don't use cygpath:
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=& bash -c "cat ??????"
>     cat: ??????: No such file or directory
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.GB2312& bash -c "cat ??????"
>     cat: ??????: No such file or directory
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.GBK& bash -c "cat ??????"
>     123
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8& bash -c "cat ??????"
>     123
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=& bash -c "d ??????"
>     /mnt/c/Profiles/Shecti/?????? doesn't exist!
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.GBK& bash -c "d ??????"
>     /mnt/c/Profiles/Shecti/?????? doesn't exist!
>     C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8& bash -c "d ??????"
>     /mnt/c/Profiles/Shecti/?????? doesn't exist!

Your example is puzzeling me no end.  All of the above commands are
using the filename in UTF-8 encoding but given byte by byte.  When
I paste such a filename into the console, I get two chinese characters.
They look like empty squares since I don't have a matching OEM charset
installed on my machine (and `chcp 936' fails with "Invalid codepage").
But they are two chars and when using them in the above commands,
ls as well as d work fine, independent of the LANG setting.

I don't understand how you pasted the UTF-8 value into the console
and got the single byte values in a visible way.

Hmm.  Did you paste the output of a ls command?  If so, that can't
work correctly.  The result is a filename which is different from
the original filename.  That only works by chance.


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