On 2009-5-12 16:30, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On May 12 15:49, Lenik wrote:
I'd like to know if there is any build plan to upgrade tools like d,
zip, unzip, jar, etc. to support locale settings, rather than C only. So
I can tell customers when our cygwin-based scripts will work for Chinese
path names.
That depends on the package maintainers and it will certainly not be
done within just a couple of days. After all, the Cygwin distro is
a volunteer effort.
Is there any hint on how to add locale support to existing packages at
source code level? I guess that a specific package maintainer maybe work
on a central version, so any change to `grep' or `unzip' for example,
will be applied on that central version, so various distros like RHEL,
Ubuntu, etc. can share the same changement? If so that is, my changement
on `grep' may be required to be test/return-test on the various distros,
and only if the package maintainer considers the changement won't break
the consistency between the various distros, he will then accept the
changes and release it to the cygwin? If I changed a specific package in
cygwin distro, I shall send to that specific package maintainer, right?
And I still think it may be better to add locale support in cygwin
layer(maybe it's not enabled by default, though), if you write a program
operates with path names, (most programs access files) you won't do
anything about locale settings in common sense, and I didn't see there
is necessary to setlocale or somewhat before fopen/fstat() operations in
that famous APUX book.
C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=zh_CN.GBK& cat 你好
C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=C& cat 你好
C:\Profiles\Shecti> set LANG=& cat 你好
cat: 你好: No such file or directory
The default LANG isn't C neither GBK in codepage 936, I guess it is set
to GB2312, but I'm not sure. How can I know the default LANG?
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