On Apr 14 18:55, Julio Costa wrote:
> Hi Corinna,
> Did you get to see the proposed patch in this thread?
> http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2009-03/msg00857.html
> http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2009-03/msg00858.html

No, I didn't see that this also contains patches to ssh-host-config.

> Now that Chuck has released a new csih, maybe also the possibility to
> use an alternative account could be added to this patch...
> Can you look into this, please? This is also important because in
> domain members server environments I found no way to make sshd work if
> it is not running under a domain account. It would be really nice to
> have ssh-host-config do this job (by parameters on command-line)...

But that already worked all the time without having another parameter.
If an account called cyg_server (cron_server, sshd_server) is already in
/etc/passwd then it will be used.  Just make sure that cyg_server is a
domain account.  I'm using this method locally as well.  Does the above
patch break this behaviour?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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