On Apr  6 05:56, Eric Blake wrote:
> According to Dave Korn on 4/6/2009 3:08 AM:
> >   I wonder if m4 suddenly changed its behaviour as a result of now being
> > locale sensitive, which had knock-on effects on autoconf and bison, which
> > causes the trouble by doing something unexpected when generating the ld or 
> > ar
> > parsers..  I don't have any of LANG or LC_* set in my environment so I 
> > thought
> > I ought to just have the standard C locale, but I don't understand it well.
> I hope not.  M4 doesn't (yet) call setlocale(), so it is supposed to
> operate entirely in the C locale even if you HAVE set LC_ALL or friends.

The default is still the "C" locale.

I explain what happens at process startup in

When started from a non-Cygwin process, Cygwin reads out ther LANG et al.
variables and sets the codepage accordingly.  Or, to the current ANSI
charset, if necessary, see

However, just before the application's main() is called, the locale is
set back to "C", see

so the effect is, that the application is running in the "C" locale if
it doesn't call setlocale with an explicitely or implicitely (per the
environment) set locale other than "C" or "POSIX".


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