Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote on 12 September 2008 08:51:

>>   Because I didn't use libtool to do it.  I think Aaron's patch to build
>> libgcc shared from upstream does it properly, so I'll be adopting it if
>> I can, otherwise I'll just crudely bodge it in.
> Since the name of the libgcc dll is manually specified in
> gcc/config/i386/{cygwin.h,t-cygwin}, isn't it just a matter of changing
> those to cyggcc_s-1.dll?  Or am I missing something?

  I just don't know whether or not the version is embedded in the generated
DLL anywhere other than the name, so far.

>>   Didn't look at fortran and objc.
> Presuming that F95 and ObjC/ObjC++ don't have the problem with overrides
> that C++ has, it should be as simple as adding the -no-undefined flag.

  I would anticipate so.

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