René Berber wrote on 11 September 2008 18:11:

>>> Has anyone tested it?
>>   Well, yeah :)
> That much I knew, it's the normal way gcc builds itself.

  I also did before-and-after regression tests, and spent some time
investigating and solving regressions which involved recompiling the testsuite
cases manually and looking at what was generated, and I tested the packaged
version by uploading it to my private mirror and installing from there and
using it to rebuild the gmp package and run the tests without any failures.
So I was /reasonably/ confident that it wasn't completely dead in the water,
but of course it is always possible that I screwed up hideously.

> Bingo!  I have an old gcc 4.0.2 under /usr/local, that probably is the
> problem... changing PATH wasn't enough, strange.
> At least now I know what I'm looking for.  Thanks!

And at least now I know that I haven't screwed up hideously.  Thanks!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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