Dave Korn wrote on Friday, August 15, 2008 11:58 AM:

> Garret wrote on 15 August 2008 16:45:
>> I am using the cygwin setup.exe ultimately to use GRASS on my windows
>> machine.  the problem I am getting is with the setup.ini.sig file.  I
>> have attached an image of the exact error message I am getting.  It
>> seems to abort the grass packages download.
>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p19000930/grass_error.JPG grass_error.JPG
>> I had downloaded GRASS via cygwin earlier this year and it seemed to
>> work just fine.  So this is a new problem, and after looking at a few
>> mirror sites and seeing that this file setup.ini.sig was updated a
>> few 
>> days ago that has lead me to believe that this file has a problem
>> with GRASS. 
>> any clues?
>   Yep: setup.exe now (by default) checks for and tries to validate a
> GPG signature file to make sure the mirror isn't damaged or
> malicious.  If you're installing from a non-official mirror site, it
> won't have the signature (since it won't have the Cygwin signing
> key).  There are command-line options that we can use to enable
> mirror maintainers to distribute keys to their users for use with
> setup.exe, but for now, you want to invoke setup using the "-X"
> command-line option, which you can do either by invoking setup.exe
> from a cmd shell, or by making a shortcut to it in windows explorer
> and adding "-X" to the end of the "Target" field in the properties.  

This has been on my mind, actually, for a while now.  (Note that, with
the possible exception of cygports, it will not make any difference to
me.  So these are suggestions, not requests.)

It would seem that when setup encounters the error that Garret
encountered, it should ask whether to continue anyway (i.e., invoke -X)
or abort.  If nothing else, it will avoid some of emails to the list
that repeats Garret's report.

It would also seem that a checkbox that invokes the -X functionality
would offer flexibility to people who know in advance that there is no
sig but do not remember the option don't need to use -X often enough to
have a shortcut, etc.

Related #1:  -X (and -K, -S, -u, and -U?) might be added to FAQ entry
on setup command-line usage:
http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.setup.cli.  A link to
http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2008-08/msg00001.html might be

Related #2:  It would be useful to update the setup command-line usage
link on http://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/setup.htm to perhaps point to
the FAQ entry.

And thanks for all the work that's gone into setup.

- Barry
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