Garret wrote on 15 August 2008 16:45:

> I am using the cygwin setup.exe ultimately to use GRASS on my windows
> machine.  the problem I am getting is with the setup.ini.sig file.  I have
> attached an image of the exact error message I am getting.  It seems to
> abort the grass packages download.
> grass_error.JPG
> I had downloaded GRASS via cygwin earlier this year and it seemed to work
> just fine.  So this is a new problem, and after looking at a few mirror
> sites and seeing that this file setup.ini.sig was updated a few days ago
> that has lead me to believe that this file has a problem with GRASS.
> any clues?

  Yep: setup.exe now (by default) checks for and tries to validate a GPG
signature file to make sure the mirror isn't damaged or malicious.  If
you're installing from a non-official mirror site, it won't have the
signature (since it won't have the Cygwin signing key).  There are
command-line options that we can use to enable mirror maintainers to
distribute keys to their users for use with setup.exe, but for now, you want
to invoke setup using the "-X" command-line option, which you can do either
by invoking setup.exe from a cmd shell, or by making a shortcut to it in
windows explorer and adding "-X" to the end of the "Target" field in the

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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