2008/8/5 Mark Tunnell:
>> |> Sounds like a missing dependency.  Try 'cygcheck psql.exe' to see if it
>> |> complains about any missing DLLs.  If it does, you need to install the
>> |> packages with the missing DLLs.  See <http://cygwin.com/packages/> if
>> |> you need to find the package a DLL is in (or 'cygcheck -p <file>').
>> |>
>> |
>> | Thanks very much!  That was indeed the problem.  It's working fine now.
>> So that we might be able to fix it for future users, would you please tell
>> us which package was missing?
> I installed the following files and psql started working again.
> However, I'd been playing around earlier adding and removing things so
> I'm pretty sure I caused the problem.  I just didn't know how to
> correct it.
> libpq5-8.2.5-1.tar.bz2
> libpq4-8.2.5-1.tar.bz2
> libpq5-8.2.9-1.tar.bz2
> libopenldap2_3_0-2.3.39-1.tar.bz2
> libsasl2-2.1.19-3.tar.bz2

It was most likely the scenario which we outlined a couple of weeks ago,
but was not fixed yet.

Install latest libpq5 + uninstall old libpq4, which deleted
bin/cygpq.dll which is used by both packages. reinstalling
libpq5-8.2.9 should fix it. The other deps should be correct AFAIK.

The fix is to rename the libpq5 and libpq4 packages to libpq.
I'll fix it with the upcoming 8.3.x packages.
Reini Urban
http://phpwiki.org/ http://murbreak.at/

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