On Jun 18 04:00, Mike Mueller wrote:
> A little further info.  It looks like apr detects a unicode environment,
> so ultimately is calling CreateProcessW (not CreateProcessA).

How do you pass your unicode env?  Do you set the CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT

> Also, if I pass environment variables other than PATH, they are set
> properly when the child executes.  I'm even able to override other
> variables that are set already in the environment, and the new value is
> seen by the child.  PATH is the only variable I can't get to work.

Is your environment big (> 32K)?  Up to 1.5.25 the environment is
fetched using GetEnvironmentStringsA, which has a bug in (at least)
Windows XP which results in a truncated environment in the child.  And
it's not truncated to 32K, but much less from my testing.  Something
along the lines of sizeof (child_env) == sizeof (parent_env) % 32K.

Other than that, I have no idea.  PATH is taken from the parent like
any other env var.  Are you *sure* there's not some bug in your app?


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