On Jun 17 21:05, Mike Mueller wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 11:41:52PM -0400, Mike Mueller wrote:
> > I have a program (native win32) that is capable of launching
> > sub-processes, using apr (apache portable runtime), which is essentially
> > a wrapper around CreateProcess in the Windows API.  My program creates a
> > modified environment (changes the PATH env var), and passes this new
> > environment to CreateProcess.
> > 
> > When I run a native Windows program, for example, a .bat script that
> > says "echo %PATH%", I see the correctly modified PATH env var.
> > 
> > When I run a Cygwin program, the PATH is the original unmodified path
> > (rephrased in cygwin format), maybe inherited from the parent process?
> > The modified PATH being passed to CreateProcess is not discovered by the
> > Cygwin app.
> No thoughts on this?  How & when does Cygwin take a snapshot of the
> Windows environment?  I'm still trying to figure out how my modified
> environment is not being picked up...

Cygwin processes get their environment from the parent process, just
like any other process.  In case of having a Cygwin parent, it uses
another mechanism for environment inheritance, but if the parent is
a native process, it gets it env from a call to GetEnvironmentStrings.
There's no other way, really.


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