On Apr 12 18:09, Hans Kaiser wrote:
> But now I want to be able to determine, if someone has already installed
> (via your setup.exe) a cygwin. If so I would like to be able to use the
> already installed one. But how to determine if there is already an
> installation of cygwin? And furthermore, how can I use it?

Check for the registry keys HKLM\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin and
HKCU\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin.  If one of them exists, you have
a Cygwin installation.

> If I detect, that no cygwin (via your setup.exe) is installed, I would like
> to open a browser which points to your setup.exe so the user could install
> the cygwin.
> In both cases it may be necessary to determine 
> Correct me if I am wrong. This approach has no licensing issues.

If you just call setup to download from the cygwin distro, you have no
licensing problems in your scenario.


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