> > - no changes on existing preinstalled cygwin installation
> > 
> > The first step was successful with http://www.cygwineasy.tk. But it
> > destroyed the preinstalled cygwins, which I must not change...
> > 
> > Does anybody here has an idea, how I could realize the requirements?
> The fact that Cygwin stores its mount table in the registry pretty much
> means this is impossible unless you distribute a modified Cygwin that
> uses a different key, as well as a different name for the various shared
> identifiers.  See the recent thread about the FAQ question relating to
> third party distributors.

Okay maybe I have to precise more. I currently use a prepackaged version of
the SF unxtools. Now I want to switch to cygwin, because I am working with
cygwin since 2001 and it is pretty good! 
I do not want to make money with the distribution! 

For me it would be okay, if I could detect if there is a installed cygwin
with my needed utils (bash, grep, sed, awk, read...)
For now my only idea was to package it with my distribution.
So here my new suggestion:
1.    is cygwin installed?
1.1.  yes, setup the environment-variables to use the installed one
1.1.1 are the needed tools installed?
1.1.2 no, run cygwin-setup and preselect the additionally needed tools
1.2.  no, run cygwin-setup with the preselected needed tools

Is this possible to realize?

Best regards,

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