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Christian Borchert wrote:
| I just installed Cygwin with OpenSSH and got it setup on Windows Server
| 2003.
| When I use Putty on a remote machine to connect to the server, the
| server starts a bash.exe processes.
| When I close Putty (alt-f4) the bash.exe processes remains on the server.
| If I connect again, another bash.exe process is created.
| Is there any way to configure bash.exe to close unused processes or do I
| have to manually go in to task manager and close these processes?
| If I login a few times a day like this, I will eventually run out of
| available ram on the server.
| Thanks!

I don't see this as a bug.  The same behavior can be observed on a
NetBSD machine when Putty is closed using that method or if my
connection to the server drops.  I usually have to log back in and check
for processes that are still running from my previous session.

- --
Robert Pendell

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