Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:

I'm not always agreement with Vinod's opinion but I cannot understand why
others ignore him.
Only I have made replies to him. I am a mere user of cygwin. In addition
I'm a XP user so that I do not understand what is the problem  about the cygwin
on the VISTA.

I think that the purpose of the cygwin is to realize giving us Unixy
evironmets and enabling us to use
Unixy software on the Windows.
The VISTA is now populateing day by day. I think it is important to discuss what is the problem of the cygwin on the VISTA.

I ask the cygwin people reply to Vinod and do positive discussions.

I think it's great that you attempted to work with Vinod to help him get a
better understanding of things.  But I think you're missing a point here
yourself.  No one is "ignoring" him.  If no one has answered, then it's
quite possible no one has an answer for him.  I don't think you have to
attribute some negative connotation to lack of discussion for any topic
on this list.  It's just the way things go sometimes.  But if having
someone else on this list responding directly to his previous inquiries
would help everybody feel better about things, I can fulfill that role.

 * Rebase isn't automatically invoked by 'setup.exe' because of all of the
     1. Nobody has contributed a patch to add it.
     2. Rebasing everybody's installation on the off-chance that they
        installed packages that would require this operation seems
     3. The goal is to resolve this on a per-package basis so that
        running rebaseall isn't necessary for anyone.

 * Beyond what's already been said on the X issue, I can't add anything.
   I don't run Cygwin-X on Vista.  Actually, I don't really ever run Vista.
   But since the question revolves around X, I would suggest inquiring on
   the Cygwin-X list if this hasn't already been tried.  Of course, if
   Vinod tries this, he can expect the same guarantee of a solution that
   he gets with the main list.  If that's not sufficient, there's always
   the option to buy Red Hat support and then ask them for help.

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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