So, I guess every one in Cygwin community is happily running Cygwin and Cygwin-X under Windows Vista. That is a great news! It seems only I missed the train :-(


On 2008-03-20 15:50, Vinod Gupta wrote:
I see that quite a few people have experienced problems running cygwin and applications like XFree86 server under Windows Vista. We have been using Cygwin under XP for may years and would love to continue using it under Vista. I will appreciate suggestions to the following questions:

1) Some people have suggested running rebaseall under ash. I tried it and it helps. Shall I be required to rebaseall every time there are new versions of DLLs released? Why not make it a part of cygwin installer?

2) It seems there is no reliable fix for XFree86 and people have suggested Xming which works fine for me. While XFree86 was integrated with Cywin's main installer which was a huge advantage. Is there any way to replace XFree86 by Xming so that only Xming packages are installed/updated.


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