On Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 11:24:59AM +0100, PEDRO MACANAS VALVERDE wrote:
>-----Mensaje original-----

Why are you quoting the header of the message in the body of the message?

>Enviado el: viernes, 08 de febrero de 2008 10:59

Ditto:  http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTNQREAIYR

>Asunto: RE: Uninstalling Cygwin
>Wonderful, mer?i beaucoup, Sylvain, that worked.  Didn't realise this
>could be so easy.  Cygwin documentation / FAQ people, maybe this would
>be wise to incorporate somewhere in the uninstall documentation on your
>website, as I suspect all users running winXP and higher experience
>these problems when having chacged file ownership.  Thanks again.
>For this , include the FAQ in a Wiki is a good option.  One also can
>include user tips.

You should have paid closer attention to the discussion.  This would be
just the kind of confusion we don't need.  Having people update the
"FAQ" with a "tip" that was *already* in the "FAQ" would just cause more


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