Wonderful, merçi beaucoup, Sylvain, that worked. Didn't realise this could be 
so easy. Cygwin documentation / FAQ people, maybe this would be wise to 
incorporate somewhere in the uninstall documentation on your website, as I 
suspect all users running winXP and higher experience these problems when 
having chacged file ownership.
Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: vrijdag 8 februari 2008 10:47
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: Uninstalling Cygwin

Remko Arts wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed Cygwin with the ssh package. Now I want to uninstall 
> Cygwin, but get the message Windows is unable to delete .ssh. Seems 
> some exotic file protection is in place Windows can't handle. The only 
> removal instructions I can find for windows are "delete the complete 
> cygwin directory", which is, as mentioned impossible by normal means.
> Any suggestions?
Are you running as the same user the .ssh file is for?

Anyway, you can reset the ACLs to delete the file (approximative translations, 
I run a French version of windows):
- In explorer, do a right click on the offending file(s)
- Properties
- In the Security tab, click Advanced
- Reset ownership if necessary (third tab). If you do this, it may be necessary 
to close and reopen the "advanced" security properties
- Set permissions as resuired in the first tab (grant yourself "full control" 
for example)

If what you see does not match what I describe, beware of "simple file 
permissions" in tools/options/dsplay.

Hope that helps


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