On Wed, 02 Jan 2008 21:05:45 +0100,
"A[dot]R[dot] Burgers" <a[dot]rburgers[at]quicknet[dot]nl> wrote:

>I have a UNC path //ecn/groups/g_zon_solar/Software/cygwin/bin
>in my path, refering to some network share.
>ls -l `which mrxvt.exe`
>ls: cannot access /ecn/groups/g_zon_solar/Software/cygwin/bin/mrxvt.exe:
>No such file or directory
>Apparently which.exe (the new 2.18-1) strips the leading "/" which is 
>essential in this case. The old which-1.7 does not strip.

Why not just mount your network shares?

$ mount
\\Winxp-inspiron\c on /inspiron type system (binmode,noexec)
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP on /tmp type system (binmode)
\\Winxp-desk\c on /desk-c type system (binmode,noexec)
\\Winxp-desk\d on /desk-d type system (binmode,noexec)
C:\Cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)

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