On Jul 17 13:18, Hennie wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at> cygwin.com> writes:
> > On Jul 15 14:11, Hennie wrote:
> > > Then throw it out of the group users.
> > > [...]
> > > Is it according to cygwin still in the group users ?
> > > If so is this a behaviour of XP home edition?
> > > Does this allso happen in XP professional?
> > 
> > It also happens on XP Professional.  I have no idea why yet.  There's
> > nothing special with the users group in Cygwin.  The group list is taken
> > from the returned user/group lists of the Win32 API.  I'm wondering if
> > Windows adds the Users group to the list if the user is not in any local
> > group.  I'll investigate this further at one point.
> Ah well for wat XP home edition goes on, i have put in that specific user 
> whom 
> i threw out of the group users into another group i created
> again from a windows command box.
> [...]
I played a bit with this and it turns out that this is a Windowism.  You
don't need Cygwin to reproduce this.  The group Users is always added to
the user token's group list, regardless of the local group(s) the user
is in, or if it's member of any group at all.

The reason is this.  The well known groups "NT AUTHORITY/Authenticated
Users" and "NT AUTHORITY/Interactive" are both members in group Users.
Both groups are added to the user's login token, and all groups they are
member in.  That's how Users gets added to all user tokens.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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