Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at>> writes:

> On Jul 15 14:11, Hennie wrote:
> > Is nobody using XP home edition in combination with cygwin?
> Not voluntarily, no.
> > Then throw it out of the group users.
> > 
> > you can do this in a windows cmd box with. 
> > 
> > net localgroup users USERNAME /DEL
> > 
> > And after that do a mkpassword and mkgroup in cygwin 
> > 
> > mkuser -l > /etc/passwd   
> > mkgroup -u -l > /etc/group
> > 
> > login (via ssh preferably)  as that user and give the command 
> > 
> > $groups
> > 
> > Is it according to cygwin still in the group users ?
> > If so is this a behaviour of XP home edition?
> > Does this allso happen in XP professional?
> It also happens on XP Professional.  I have no idea why yet.  There's
> nothing special with the users group in Cygwin.  The group list is taken
> from the returned user/group lists of the Win32 API.  I'm wondering if
> Windows adds the Users group to the list if the user is not in any local
> group.  I'll investigate this further at one point.
> Corinna

Ah well for wat XP home edition goes on, i have put in that specific user whom 
i threw out of the group users into another group i created

again from a windows command box.
i added a group called SshAllow

>net localgroup SshAllow /add

now there is a group called SshAllow

added that user   to this group

>net localgroup SshAllow [USERNAME] /add

And after that do a mkpassword and mkgroup in cygwin 
mkuser -l > /etc/passwd   
mkgroup -u -l > /etc/group
login (via ssh preferably)  as that user and give the command 

Still this user is in the group users.

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