On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 02:22:30PM -0500, DePriest, Jason R. wrote:
> On 6/6/07, Dave  wrote:
>> Brian Dessent wrote:
>> > Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> >> Mmm, because for a blind person this is a very basic package?
>> >
>> > Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that most Cygwin users are blind.
>> Last I heard, setup.exe was not particularly friendly wrt screen readers
>> (cf. package selection). Hence the visually impaired would have
>> difficulty selecting brltty for installation.
>> In addition to installation brltty also needs an amount of configuration
>> to select the type of terminal to use, and for the daemon to be started.
>> Despite the latter I would suggest that (at least the non-X bit of)
>> brltty should be kept in Base to make things simpler for those who need
>> it. At least until we get that revamped setup.exe :)
> It seems that when you trace the requirements of brltty down, you end
> up with xorg, perl, and python packages getting installed.
> So, do we want those to be considered part of Base?

No.  I've removed it from Base.


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