nope. here's the thread from a while ago:


Thanks for the replies. I somehow managed to miss this big thread from a few weeks back (maybe because the spelling was DualCore(s), as one word, throughout).

Anyway, after reading all that, and some more related posts that I found, I decided to completely remove the firewall. I have been using Kerio PFW for a few years. Prior to that I used to run with ZoneAlarm and then Symantec, both of which I ditched for various reasons. Kerio used to be an excellent firewall. It is is even somewhat recommended in the Cygwin FAQ.

However, a couple of months back I noticed something strange when connecting to various unix machines over ssh. It would take over five minutes to start vim or mc on the connected machine. This hadn't happened before. I couldn't see anything when trying to trace on processes or the network traffic. When disabling the "Network security module" in the firewall it would go away. I contacted Sunbelt support (the new owners) and after some extra data gathering nothing happened. Since then I have updated the firewall twice, currently I have the latest release. I things have been worse than ever.

Anyway, today I removed the Sunbelt Personal Firewall (as it's called now), and tried reinstalling PHP 5.2.2. (This might seem a bit odd, but it can serve as a benchmark here. The installation creates subshells at least four levels deep.) Before, as I wrote, it took 43 minutes. Now after removing the firewall it takes 10 minutes. When disabling antivirus (Kaspersky) it takes less than 5 minutes. My computer is snappy again!

Even some other minor oddities when booting up seem to be gone. Overall, things seem to back to normal again. Except now I have to find a working firewall again. Any recommendations anyone?

Conclusion: It would seem that Sunbelt have majorly screwed up the old Kerio Personal Firewall. It does not seem fit to be used with Cygwin anymore. I even question its usefulness altogether because I suddenly lately have had a *lot* of minor strange things happening on my computer. It's too early to tell if they are completely gone now though.


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