Christopher Faylor wrote:

I suppose that you could add a post-install script but it is too late at
that point.  This would force a normal cygwin user into a reinstall frenzy
from which they might not ever recover.  It might be better than nothing,

Sounds to me like we need to consider extending the setup.ini format (and, by extension, the setup.hint format) to include an optional field:

popup: This package is a significant change from the previous release. Please check <a href="";>the mailing list</a> for the related announcement <b>before</b> continuing.

Or something like that. Note that we cannot provide a direct link to the actual announcement because that's a catch-22: you need to upload the new package before you announce, but if the uploaded setup.hint needs the URL of the announcement then you're out of luck. But a link to the correct *month*'s archive should be good enough.


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