From: Tim Prince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Questions about porting from Linux to Windows...
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:52:28 -0800

You are going way beyond the scope of this list. A mingw .a library could be linked into an MSVC build, since it tries to avoid conflicting run-time library dependencies. Whether all those builders accept it with the different name, or allow you to rename it, is up to you. It would be worth while to read the FAQ mentioned at the bottom of the mail. Consider also the licensing implications, which you appear to want to ignore.

Hey !! You have not read correctly...

As I said right at the start of the post, I AM concerned about the licensing implications, but I could not succeed in posting my questions to the licensing mail list... which are basically : does using cygwin just to compile some static .a to be used elsewhere prompts a fee ?

As for the technical part, I read the FAQ's and I could not find an answer about the sockets ...

I am new to the Windows world (I just did 2 years VB and Delphi more than 10 years ago) but I am not a newbie (23+ years in scientific programming)... So please be correct and do ot insult me...

I do not know whether it is the good mailing list to post, but it was the closest to my kind of questions....

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