On Oct 29 15:55, Linda Walsh wrote:
> I was messing with my theme libs and noted the following differences in
> how CYGWIN displays the attributes and Groups:
> -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None           214K Aug  7  2004 uxtheme.dll*
> -rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators SYSTEM         214K Aug  4  2004 
> uxtheme.dll-old*
> -rwxrwx---+ 1 Administrators Administrators 214K Aug  4  2004 uxtheme.old*
> [...]
> More importantly, they all seem to have the same ACL's attached:
> /windows/system32> xcacls uxtheme\*
> C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll BUILTIN\Administrators:F
>                                BUILTIN\Power Users:C
>                                NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:F
>                                BUILTIN\Users:R
> C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll-old BUILTIN\Administrators:F
>                                    BUILTIN\Power Users:C
>                                    NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:F
>                                    BUILTIN\Users:R
> C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.old BUILTIN\Administrators:F
>                                BUILTIN\Power Users:C
>                                NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:F
>                                BUILTIN\Users:R
> [...]
> I thought Cygwin derived it's user/group/permissions from the NT security
> settings.  Is this not the case? 

I don't understand the question.  Did you actually compare the (x)cacls
output with the ls output?  It makes perfect sense, given especially
that xcacls only prints the ACL, not owner and group of the file.
Unfortunately I don't know any Windows system tool which prints the
group information given in the security descriptor.


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