You somewhat answered my question, indirectly.
I wasn't aware windows had a "group" security descriptor
in addition to the user-owner-creator field.
Where does it store the information?
It seems odd to have a Windows group field that no Windows utils
would be able to set (or view). Is the windows group field
actually used for anything?
Either way it seems odd -- if the win-group field is used
for something, seems odd to have a security field that is unviewable
and unsettable under windows (except via 3rd party tools like cygwin).
If it isn't used for anything -- against seems weird to include a group
field that isn't used for anything.
My NT-Win knowledge is nowhere close to my *nix knowledge, but I just
didn't know of a windows-group field on files/processes, etc. I thought
it was a "pseudo-security" field that only existed in cygwin and that
cygwin somehow simulated by, perhaps, storing the info in an ACL...?
I'm not able to find a reference to a file's groupid via google,
but I may not know the correct search terms. Is there a reference
to the group field on MS's tech pages somewhere?
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Oct 29 15:55, Linda Walsh wrote:
I thought Cygwin derived it's user/group/permissions from the NT security
settings. Is this not the case?
I don't understand the question. Did you actually compare the (x)cacls
output with the ls output? It makes perfect sense, given especially
that xcacls only prints the ACL, not owner and group of the file.
Unfortunately I don't know any Windows system tool which prints the
group information given in the security descriptor.
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