Eric Blake wrote:
mwoehlke <mwoehlke <at>> writes:
Would it be possible to do this dynamically (instead of keying off of mounts, etc.): if the first line of the file read by bash has a \r\n, use text-mode (1-char-at-a-time) semantics, else use binary semantics (lseek)?
I hate to say this, but... if bash goes this route, could it be a shopt? I would rather know that my scripts are broken (DOS-format).
Thanks for the ideas; here's what I'll try.  Bash does indeed already scan the 
first line (I'm not sure if it is line or first 80 characters or what it is 
exactly, but I do know it scans) to see if it detects any NUL bytes, at which 
point it complains the file is binary and not a script.  So I can probably hack 
that scan to also look for \r.  So first I will open the file according to the 
mount point rules.  If the file is text mode, perform the scan in binary mode, 
and if any \r is seen, revert to text mode and no lseeks.  If the scan in 
binary mode succeeds, then leave the file in binary mode, assuming that the 
file is unix format even though it is on a text mount, and that lseeks will 
work.  If the file starts life binary mode (ie. was on a binary mount), skip 
the check for \r in the scan (under the assumption that on a binary mount, \r 
is intentional and not a line ending to be collapsed), and use lseeks.  No 
guarantees on whether this will pan out, or be bigger than I thought, but 
hopefully you will see a bash 3.1-8 with these semantics soon.
Sounds good! That will satisfy my request to not silently work on files 
that should be broken. :-)
Alternatively (and I kind-of hate to say this :-)), now that I think of 
it, you might want to talk to Rodney over at the Interix forums. I 
recall hearing that the Interix version of bash actually handles files 
with a mix of DOS and UNIX line endings (which may not be the best thing 
to do, but might be worth investigating). I would imagine that version 
is always reading in binary (I don't think Interix - like UNIX, but 
unlike Cygwin - ever had a 'text mode' concept). There might even be an 
official patch for this, that just needs to be flipped on for Cygwin (or 
maybe the two of you can petition to make it an official patch).
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