Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 04:46:28PM -0700, Volker Quetschke wrote:
> Do I have to make the observation again that whether this is the case or
> not, it is not a primary goal of the Cygwin project to support these
> people?

Yes. Did it ever cross your mind that the whole "Linux on Windows" thing
is pretty useless if it cannot be used in the "real world". I mean, if people
want to have a plain vanilla Linux thingy they can just install it. Grab
a Redhat, Suse or Debian DVD and everything works fine.

As there is no new information in this thread I'll shut up until a real
problem comes up. This whole discussion is academic anyway.


> As long as you have Corinna or myself in charge we are going to stick
> with the whole "Linux on Windows" thing.  If bash doesn't like \r\n line
> endings on Linux, if we purposely recommend against using text mode
> files, and if we can see noticeable performance improvements in bash
> from not honoring \r\n line endings, then bash should definitely be
> using the "binmode" code.
> If Eric cares enough to make \r\n shell scripts work in bash, then more
> power to him.  If he doesn't then I have no problem with releasing a
> bash that hiccups on files which use \r\n and informing people that they
> should fix their scripts.
> cgf
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