Eric Blake wrote:
mwoehlke <mwoehlke <at>> writes:

So $HOME is being set wrong. "echo $HOME | od -c" gives " / h o m e / m w o e h l k e \r \n". "echo %HOME%" from a fresh cmd.exe gives "C:/Documents and Settings/mwoehlke". I ran d2u on /etc/profile, /etc/default/etc/profile and /etc/passwd.

I can't reproduce this. Have you tried 'bash -lvx' for a verbose trace, to see if some text-mode file is being sourced very early in your edited /etc/profile which does HOME=/home/mwoehlke? The fact that Windows %HOME% is defined differently than what you want in cygwin makes it seem like you are doing something in /etc/profile to override what cygwin would normally do for $HOME.

I tried 'bash -x'. Alas I stupidly did it when already in bash (hey, my non-bash shells are hard to get to! ;-)).

I did finally track it down; mwoehlke/.bash_profile in c:/documents and settings was DOS-format, and was re-invoking bash -l after changing HOME. I'm not sure how *that* wound up in DOS format; must've used Notepad the one-and-only time I edited it.

Sorry for the trouble. :-)

POSIXLY_CORRECT = '1' <-- what is setting this, and why?

That is being set by cygcheck, just before invoking external programs. It probably had something to do with forcing external programs to not rearrange option arguments (for example, "ls foo --all" treats --all as an option, but "POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 ls foo --all" treats --all as a filename). But I think it is possible to get along without doing it (repeating the example, "ls -- foo --all" treats --all as a filename), and I personally think that cygcheck should be patched to QUIT setting POSIXLY_CORRECT, so that we can tell the masochists apart from normal users.

Ah, ok, so seeing it in cygcheck is a false positive. Didn't think that cygcheck would tinker with my environment (maybe it should know it is doing so and preserve the invocation value and print that?), so I didn't think to actually 'echo $POSIXLY_CORRECT'. :-)

IOW I agree with your suggestion. I just got a little freaked out thinking that Cygwin had unwittingly *made* me one of said users. ;-)

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