Eric Blake wrote:
This version removes several outdated #defines that were once necessary in
older versions of cygwin, but which made bash on cygwin different and
slower than bash on Linux.  In the process, there is a major change in
behavior - bash no longer forces text mode when reading scripts.  If your
script resides on a text mount point, you will not notice any difference.
  If your script resides on a binary mount point, and has normal unix \n
line endings, you may notice a slight speedup.  But if your script resides
on a binary mount point, and has \r\n line endings, bash will most likely
encounter syntax errors.  The fix is simple - use d2u to convert script
files residing on a binary mount point to be unix files, or if you must
use DOS lines, use a text mount point.  Because of this change in
behavior, I am marking this version experimental for a while until I can
gauge from mailing list traffic that it is safe to promote to current.

When starting the experimental version with "c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l". I get:

mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/mwoehlke\r': No such file or directory
Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the user to personalise
their cygwin experience.
These will never be overwritten.
/usr/bin/install: cannot create directory `/home/mwoehlke\r': No such file or directory /usr/bin/install: cannot create directory `/home/mwoehlke\r': No such file or directory /usr/bin/install: cannot create directory `/home/mwoehlke\r': No such file or directory
: No such file or directory

So $HOME is being set wrong. "echo $HOME | od -c" gives " / h o m e / m w o e h l k e \r \n". "echo %HOME%" from a fresh cmd.exe gives "C:/Documents and Settings/mwoehlke". I ran d2u on /etc/profile, /etc/default/etc/profile and /etc/passwd.

If I 'export HOME=/home/mwoehlke', then things work correctly.

Somehow, before /etc/profile is executed, my $HOME is being set "funny". Any guesses?

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