On 19 June 2006 17:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> p.s.  To answer Brett's question:  Yes, I am running virus and spyware
> protection software.  I run Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition, Program
> version and scan engine  I run this at least once a
> week and I keep the virus definition file up-to-date (currently have
> version 6/14/2006 rev. 35).  I also run (at least once a week) Webroot Spy
> Sweeper, Program Version 4.5.3 (Build 560) with spyware definitions v 701,
> last updated 6/16/06.  I ran both of these Friday night on the affected
> machine, and it came up clean.       

  10 to 1 it's Symantec doing it.  Can you thoroughly disable it and try

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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