Thanks to several people for the "snapshot" suggestions.  I tried installing a  
new snapshot but, unfortunately, that did not fix the problem.  Here's what I  
did.  Maybe somebody can tell me whether I did something wrong.

I tried running this tar in a bash window on the affected machine:

$  /bin/tar -C/ -jxvf cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2 --exclude=usr/bin/cygwin1.dll

The output you see above is how far it got after 30 minutes; only down to 
/usr/bin/dumper.exe.  Essentially 100% of the CPU was being occupied by bash 
and  CSRSS together (bash about 75%, CSRSS about 25%).  bzip2 and tar were 
showing up on the Windows Task Manager process listing, but they had 
accumulated 0 time according to the listing.  In other words, the very problem 
I was trying to fix was preventing me from un-tarring the fix, as almost all 
the CPU cycles were being taken by bash and CSRSS.  The extraction looked like 
it might take many hours, or might never complete. So I killed it and decided 
to try a different approach.

I am networked to a Linux machine, so I moved the tar file 
cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2 over to the Linux machine, created a dummy cygwin 
directory to hold the file, and un-tarred it there using this command:

% /bin/tar -jxvf cygwin-inst-20060614.tar.bz2

Then I ftp'd the entire un-tarred file and directory structure over the cygwin 
directory of the affected Windows PC.  All the files seemed to copy over just 
fine.  Then I rebooted the PC and tried bringing up a bash window under cygwin. 
 Alas, after a few minutes, the "bash and CSRSS consuming 100% of CPU" problem 
popped up as usual.

Any other suggestions to fix this problem would be most appreciated.

-- Joe

p.s.  To answer Brett's question:  Yes, I am running virus and spyware 
protection software.  I run Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition, Program 
version and scan engine  I run this at least once a week 
and I keep the virus definition file up-to-date (currently have version 
6/14/2006 rev. 35).  I also run (at least once a week) Webroot Spy Sweeper, 
Program Version 4.5.3 (Build 560) with spyware definitions v 701, last updated 
6/16/06.  I ran both of these Friday night on the affected machine, and it came 
up clean.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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